With the lockdown looming last week and business slowing down, I decided to make some more time for the hobby and (re)start some projects that could lead to some play time with the kids. So… I ordered the latest Adeptus Titanicus boxed set from Games Workshop (awesome value). This way I can build a nice maniple with one Reaver and four warhounds, while starting some small games against the other Reaver + the Cerastii (Cerastuses?)
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First of all, I would like to thank everyone on r/adeptustitanicus for the support and kind words. I’m happy with the results so far. After a few modifications, I have made the designs available for purchase. On Shapeways if you want to order them printed, and cgtrader if you want the STLs to try and print them yourself (I would be glad to hear of your experience).
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I received my order from Shapeways! The body was a bit damaged, but I was able to salvage it with greenstuff. They will send me a replacement part that will go on doggie number two. I tested everything, and… it fits very well!

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