Once upon a time in 1991, the original Adeptus Titanicus game was all the rage, and new weapons’ rules were published in White Dwarf 133. Among these new weapons, was the Trident. This was a specialized very heavy weapon, and therefore reserved to Warlord-class titans (I don’t think Reavers could take this).


In 2012, Aaron Dembski-Bowden wrote a fine book named Betrayer (the 24th novel in the Horus Heresy Series) featuring the Warhound-only Legio Audax (Ember Wolves) which intensively used a very similar weapon design. These Ursus Claws allow the light titans to take literally down larger ones by using pack tactics and toppling big guys. The same kind of weapin were used on imperial navy ships for boarding assaults.

Of course, some talented people started building them for the ForgeWorld resin titans.

Poom made himself an Ursus Claw for his chaos warhound titan.

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Also, on the blog of the excellent Aaron Dembski-Bowden, I found Benjamin Sephton-Smith’s Warhound with an ursus claw armament on his Morning Star Warhound.


More recently, the concept was transferred to knight, with the thundercoil harpoon available to Knight Valiants.